Jsme specializovanou společností, která se zaměřuje na střednědobé a dlouhodobé pronájmy nemovitostí v centru Prahy. Naše nabídka zahrnuje nádherné apartmány, které jsou v centru Prahy výjimečné svou lokalitou, designem a terasami s úchvatnými výhledy. Pokud máte specifické požadavky, jsme schopni poradit a vyhledat apartmán přesně na míru vašim představám. Pro nás je spokojenost klientů na prvním místě :) Věříme, že vám můžeme nabídnout ten správný "druhý domov" v Praze. Těšíme se na vás!
We are a specialized company that focuses on medium to long-term property rentals in the center of Prague. Our offering includes stunning apartments that are exceptional in their location, design, and breathtaking views from the terraces. If you have specific requirements, we are able to provide advice and find an apartment that fits your vision perfectly. Client satisfaction is our top priority :) We believe that we can offer you the ideal "home away from home" in Prague. We are excited to welcome you!
Owner's hobbies
Jsme mladý tým plný vášně pro starou Prahu a její skryté kouty, s velkým zájmem o kulturu a pulzující život našeho města. Rádi se podělíme o tipy na ty nejnovější a nejlepší restaurace, abyste vždy měli skvělé gastronomické zážitky. Připravíme vám seznam nezapomenutelných koncertů, které byste neměli minout, a rádi Vám dáme další tipy na bezva zážitky, procházky, vyhlídky či wellness procedury ve Vašem okolí. Jsme tu pro Vás:)
We are a young team full of passion for the old Prague and its hidden corners, with a deep interest in the culture and vibrant life of our city. We are delighted to share tips on the latest and greatest restaurants so that you can always have amazing gastronomic experiences. We will prepare a list of unforgettable concerts that you shouldn't miss, and we are more than happy to provide you with additional suggestions for great experiences, walks, viewpoints, or wellness treatments in your surroundings. We are here for you :)
Verified by guest
This badge is awarded to listings where the previous guest(s) experienced a smooth move-in and move-out, as evidenced by either a positive review or no bad review from them, indicating a smooth handover of the rental unit to the host.
Verified by Flatio
The badge is awarded to listings where a Flatio team member was physically present, whether to take photos, create a virtual tour, or stay in the rental unit for various reasons – either alone or with friends and family.
StayProtection vs. Stay Benefits
StayProtection for Guests is a Flatio coverage that applies to you at all times. It was designed to protect you, your money, and your peace of mind. StayProtection also includes an exclusive Move-in Guarantee, ensuring you'll have a place to stay even if things don't go as planned.
+ Stay BenefitsStayProtection+ Stay Benefits
Stay Benefits is a special part of the StayProtection coverage which doesn't come with all Flatio living spaces. They include liability insurance, assistant services, and 24/7 online support for all situations covered by this package.
You can read more about the StayProtection and Stay Benefits packages and when they are applicable on this page.
Verified by Nomad Inspector
This badge is awarded to living spaces that have been inspected by a Nomad Inspector and verified as suitable for remote work in terms of Wi-Fi speed, workspace, location, etc. A Nomad Inspector is a digital nomad influencer who is a member of Flatio's Nomad Inspectors Club.
Perfect for professionals
A personally selected flat that meets the requirements of business clients
Leading competitor platforms
In our comparison, we mainly considered platforms that have a similar focus as Flatio and are also suitable for medium- or long-term stays. In particular, we analyzed data from Booking.com, Spotahome, Homelike and Uniplaces.
Jsme specializovanou společností, která se zaměřuje na střednědobé a dlouhodobé pronájmy nemovitostí v centru Prahy. Naše nabídka zahrnuje nádherné apartmány,…
Jsme specializovanou společností, která se zaměřuje na střednědobé a dlouhodobé pronájmy nemovitostí v centru Prahy. Naše nabídka zahrnuje nádherné apartmány, které jsou v centru Prahy výjimečné svou lokalitou, designem a terasami s úchvatnými výhledy. Pokud máte specifické požadavky, jsme schopni poradit a vyhledat apartmán přesně na míru vašim představám. Pro nás je spokojenost klientů na prvním místě :) Věříme, že vám můžeme nabídnout ten správný "druhý domov" v Praze. Těšíme se na vás!
We are a specialized company that focuses on medium to long-term property rentals in the center of Prague. Our offering includes stunning apartments that are exceptional in their location, design, and breathtaking views from the terraces. If you have specific requirements, we are able to provide advice and find an apartment that fits your vision perfectly. Client satisfaction is our top priority :) We believe that we can offer you the ideal "home away from home" in Prague. We are excited to welcome you!
Your hobbies
Jsme mladý tým plný vášně pro starou Prahu a její skryté kouty, s velkým zájmem o kulturu a pulzující život našeho města. Rádi se podělíme o tipy na ty nejnovější a nejlepší restaurace, abyste vždy měli skvělé gastronomické zážitky. Připravíme vám seznam nezapomenutelných koncertů, které byste neměli minout, a rádi Vám dáme další tipy na bezva zážitky, procházky, vyhlídky či wellness procedury ve Vašem okolí. Jsme tu pro Vás:)
We are a young team full of passion for the old Prague and its hidden corners, with a deep interest in the culture and vibrant life of our city. We are delighted to share tips on the latest and greatest restaurants so that you can always have amazing gastronomic experiences. We will prepare a list of unforgettable concerts that you shouldn't miss, and we are more than happy to provide you with additional suggestions for great experiences, walks, viewpoints, or wellness treatments in your surroundings. We are here for you :)
Welcome to our list of destinations where we have some amazing accommodations ready for you.
Attention hosts: You have the opportunity to rent anywhere in the world, regardless of the country! Don’t worry if your city is not displayed here - just list your property and we’ll add your destination to our listing. Be the first one to offer a warm and welcoming place to stay in your city!