Owner Barry's card - Flatio
as a Guest as a Host as F4B
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Barry H.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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Unchecked listings 2
StayProtection Guest-Verified
4. 2. – 5. 3. (30 days)
24  23  / night
All utilities included
StayProtection Guest-Verified
4. 2. – 5. 3. (30 days)
24  23  / night
All utilities included
About me
Travelled and worked myself in Europe, US, Asia and Australia ! Enjoy outdoor activities, camping, cycling, hiking and going to the beach ! Interested in sports and a tennis player ! Viajei e trabalhei na Europa, EUA, Ásia e Austrália! Desfrute de atividades ao ar livre, acampando, pedalando, caminhando e indo à praia! Interessado em esportes e tenista!

Last online
5 days
Registration on Flatio
October 2020

Barry is a verified owner.
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