Owner Maria's card - Flatio
as a Guest as a Host as F4B
Landlords profile photo
Maria P.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Show resume
Unchecked listings 2
9. 3. - 7. 5. (60 days)
22  / night
All utilities included
1. 5. - 29. 6. (60 days)
51  / night
All utilities included
About me
Born and raised in Lisbon. As an adult, I have lived in Luanda (Angola), Santos (Brazil) and in the beautiful island of Bermuda. Now I've returned to my home town, which has always been in my heart. Despite being extroverted, I also like my privacy and my quiet time at home, to work or study, listen to music, podcasts or watch TV (always using my headphones to not disturbe other people). Home is were I recharged, so I like it to be a safe, quiet, clean, organize and friendly place.
Your hobbies
I enjoy to travel to see more of the world and challenge myself. I love acting and photography, which are my main hobbies, as well as hanging out with my family and friends, learning about other cultures, experiencing new foods and different perspectives of the world, going to the theatre and cinema, and learning about a new technology.

Last online
1 month
Registration on Flatio
October 2020

Maria is a verified owner.
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