Owner Honest Apartments's card - Flatio
as a Guest as a Host as F4B
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Honest Apartments ..
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Prague, Říčany
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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Checked listings 3
1. 3. – 30. 3. (30 days)
46  / night
All utilities included
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
38  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits Verified by Flatio Flatio-Verified
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
41  / night
All utilities included
Unchecked listings 15
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits Verified by guest Guest-Verified
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
46  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits Verified by guest Guest-Verified
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
39  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits Verified by guest Guest-Verified
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
45  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits Verified by guest Guest-Verified
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
33  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits Verified by guest Guest-Verified
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
35  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits Verified by guest Guest-Verified
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
46  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
39  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
35  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits Verified by guest Guest-Verified
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
42  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits Verified by guest Guest-Verified
27. 2. – 28. 3. (30 days)
45  / night
All utilities included
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
31  / night
All utilities included
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
37  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
39  / night
All utilities included
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
44  / night
All utilities included
+ Stay Benefits StayProtection + Stay Benefits
23. 2. – 24. 3. (30 days)
39  / night
All utilities included
About me
Welcome to Honest Apartments, a company with a long-standing tradition of providing fully equipped apartments in prestigious locations such as Smíchov, Florenc, and Říčany. Our company takes pride in a wide portfolio of modern and elegant apartments that meet the highest standards of comfort and luxury. With passion and attention to detail, we ensure that each of our clients experiences a perfect stay and a feeling of home in our spacious and tastefully furnished apartments. Trust in our expertise and market experience, which allow us to provide an unparalleled level of service and constantly strive for the utmost satisfaction of our guests. Whether you are on a business trip, vacation, or seeking a temporary home, at Honest Apartments, we are happy to provide you with personal and professional care, ensuring that your stay is an unforgettable experience. ----------------- Vítejte v Honest Apartments, společnosti s dlouholetou tradicí poskytování plně vybavených apartmánů v prestižních lokalitách jako je Smíchov, Florenc a Říčany. Naše společnost se pyšní širokým portfoliem moderních a elegantních apartmánů, které splňují nejvyšší standardy pohodlí a luxusu. S vášní a pečlivostí přistupujeme k tomu, aby každý z našich klientů zažil dokonalý pobyt a pocit domova v našich prostorných a vkusně zařízených apartmánech. Důvěřujte naší odbornosti a zkušenostem na trhu, které nám umožňují poskytovat bezkonkurenční úroveň služeb a neustále se snažit o maximální spokojenost našich hostů. Ať už jste na služební cestě, dovolené či hledáte dočasný domov, v Honest Apartments vám rádi poskytneme osobní a profesionální péči, která zaručí, že váš pobyt bude nezapomenutelným zážitkem.

Last online
6 hours
Registration on Flatio
April 2019

Honest Apartments is a verified owner.
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