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Maria do Carmo R.
Neighborhood hero
Peniche, Óbidos, Lisbon
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Unchecked offers 1
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
Apartment is located in the city center
1. 6. - 30. 6. (30 days)
95  / night
All utilities included
About me
Meu nome é Maria do Carmo e sou uma criança de 60 anos, sou socióloga. Atualmente estou trabalhando com pessoas desempregadas em uma instituição pública em Caldas da Rainha. Eu e meus irmãos nascemos e crescemos na Vila de Óbidos. Vivi aqui toda a minha vida. Eu realmente gosto de fazer com que as pessoas se sintam bem-vindas, para conhecê-las, compartilhar experiências e mostrar tudo o que minha cidade natal Óbidos e a costa oeste em geral têm a oferecer. Lugares como Foz do Arelho , Baleal e Peniche são obrigatórios. Também sou amante de comida e vinho, então estou mais do que disposto a apresentar a você os melhores produtos da nossa região. Considere ser meus hóspedes e você vai se divertir muito. Tudo o que você pode precisar será cuidado - pessoalmente por mim - para que você possa estar livre para desfrutar de uma estadia maravilhosa em Óbidos & Peniche.
Your hobbies
Paixões/interesses : cinema , literatura , teatro , atividades estratégicas, ciência , Cozinha , viagem , vinho , pintura , música de jazz, música rock,

Last online
1 month
Registration on Flatio
January 2023

Maria do Carmo is a verified owner.
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