Owner Helena's card - Flatio
as a Guest as a Host as F4B
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Helena M.
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Luxury apartment,terrace,magical garden centr Prag

Rated on: 13.12.2023 Length of stay: 11 days

Helena was proactive and helpful with her communication prior to and during my stay. Her apartment was a very comfortable place to spend a few weeks.

Good location just a short metro or tram ride from city center. The apartment is located next to Riegrovy Sady park where you can find a cool beer garden and one of the most impressive views of the city.

Recommended places nearby
Try the Tavern for burgers, U Sadu for late night food and drinks, and Bukowski's for excellent cocktails.

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Zachary A.

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Luxury apartment,terrace,magical garden centr Prag

Rated on: 07.11.2023 Length of stay: 7 days

Хорошая квартира в хорошем районе.

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Serhii D.

Neighborhood safety not rated
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Luxury apartment,terrace,magical garden centr Prag

Rated on: 26.06.2023 Length of stay: 15 days

The rooms were in a good condition than in the photos shown on the website. Everything was equipped well for immediate start. I sent a message to the owner, and she responded immediately and made my stay very comfortable. Thank you very much.

It’s 8 minute walk from tram station Victoria Zizicov, but with steep hill when you back home. Or 10 minutes walk to the Central Station Praha through the park which is clean and safe area. The apartment is on the top of hills.

We used rental car and easy to find a car parking lot around the apartment.

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Midori F.

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About me
Mein Name ist Helena und mein Mann Livio und ich vermieten eine Wohnung, die wir mit viel Liebe und Sorgfalt eingerichtet haben. Jmenuji se Helena a s mým manželem Livie pronajímáme byt který jsme zařídili s láskou a velkou péčí.
Your hobbies
Hello, our names are Helena and Livio, we love traveling and culinary experiences and good food. Wines, chocolates and various world regional traditional specialties are a great hobby. You could say it's our passion. That's why my husband Livie and I decided to combine our interests and, in addition to traveling for experiences, we will also provide our homes to travelers from all over the world. We like both internet and garden design. We will be happy to advise you where to eat well in Prague and what you must see in the Czech Republic. Hallo, unsere Namen sind Helena und Livio, wir lieben reisen und kulinarische erlebnisse und gutes essen. Weine, Pralinen und verschiedene weltregionale traditionelle Spezialitäten sind ein tolles Hobby. Man könnte sagen, es ist unsere Leidenschaft. . Deshalb haben mein Mann Livio und ich beschlossen, unsere Interessen zu vereinen und neben Erlebnisreisen auch Reisenden aus aller Welt unser Zuhause zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir mögen sowohl Internet als auch Gartendesign. Wir beraten Sie gerne, wo man in Prag gut essen kann und was man in Tschechien gesehen haben muss. Ahoj jmenujeme se Helena a Livio, milujeme cestování a kulinářskými zážitky a dobré jídlo. Velkou zálibou jsou vína , čokolády a různé světové krajové tradiční speciality. Dalo by se říci že je to naše vášeň. Proto jsme se s manželem Livie rozhodli že spojíme záliby a kromě cestování za zážitky i my bude poskytovat naše domovy cestovatelům z celého světa. Mame rádi design jak internetový tak i zahradní. Rádi Vám poradíme kde se v Praze dobře najíst a co rozhodně musíte v Čr vidět.

Last online
3 days
Registration on Flatio
September 2020

Helena is a verified owner.
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