Owner Lucie's card - Flatio
as a Guest as a Host as F4B
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Lucie P.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Prague, Průhonice
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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Design flat 3 mins walk from Main Railway Station Deactivated

Rated on: 07.07.2023 Length of stay: 24 days

Everything was perfect,absolutely reccomended by me. Location,comfort,design of the flat,comfort was 10 stars. But most important thing was the landlords attitude 20 stars for landlord,ty for everything. If i can,i will visit again.

Neighborhood was perfect,everything was near and flat located in the center but doesn have any annoying voice as well.

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Jilber Cem G.

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Design flat 3 mins walk from Main Railway Station Deactivated

Rated on: 25.09.2021 Length of stay: 2 months

Really friendly, accommodating and helpful.
Apartment was beautifully designed and had everything one would need for short or long stay... Also the fact that it is located in a centre of Prague is a huge plus- walking distance from literally everything... :) Highly recommended! Adam

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Adam S.

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Beautiful apartment 2kk in the center of Prague

Rated on: 22.09.2021 Length of stay: 14 days

Vše v pořádku , doporučuji.

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Nela V.

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Comfortable apartment 2kk in the center of Prague

Rated on: 21.06.2021 Length of stay: 26 days

Perfect place! I really appreciate 24/7 support for any reason from the landlord's side. Thank you for your service!

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Ekaterina S.

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About me
Dobrý den, jmenuji se Lucie a je mi ctí Vám nabídnout k pronájmu svůj designový byt. Se střednědobými pronájmy mám dlouholeté zkušenosti, neváhejte se na mě proto prosím obrátit s jakýmikoliv dotazy. Jsem designérka a všechny naše byty jsou tvořeny mnou osobně s důrazem na detail, pohodlí a design. Neváhejte se proto na mě obrátit i v případě zájmu o služby designéra, homestaging nebo také v případě zájmu o investiční nemovitosti. Budu se těšit :-)

Last online
19 days
Registration on Flatio
March 2020

Lucie is a verified owner.
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