Cost of living in Vienna: rent, food, gas and more - Flatio
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Cost of living in Vienna, Austria

According to some estimates, Vienna, Austria is cheaper than about 60 % of cities in Western Europe. Even so, you need to plan out your budget. And knowing the differences between your home country and Vienna is essential to doing that. So we put together this overview of some of the expenses you may encounter in Vienna.

What is the average salary in Vienna?

The average salary in Vienna is around 4500 € a month before tax, which is one of the highest average in the Whole Europe.

What is the average rent in Vienna?

The price of apartments for rent in Vienna depends mostly on two things:

  • the size of the rental
  • its location

A one-bedroom apartment in the city centre will cost you roughly 850€ but only about 600€ on Vienna’s periphery.

Similarly, a three-bedroom apartment in the centre is about 1500€ but on the outskirts just 1100€.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Vienna?

That all depends on what you need. There are many different estimates out there, so we’ll try and make sense of them as well as show you some of the points of comparison and their costs.


Cost of living in Vienna, austria

First is food. It depends on how much you need per month and at what quality, but overall, cooking at home will always be cheaper than eating out.

A basic lunch menu can cost somewhere between 10-15€ and around 8€ in a fast-food restaurant, but if you shop smart, even 5€ can get you several nice home-cooked lunches.

So depending on your time and your budget, the expenses will change dramatically.

Find the perfect accommodation in Vienna


Transportation is also difficult to calculate. You may already have a car which means that you will be dependent on gas. Right now it’s about 1,22€ per litre.

If this is too expensive, you might want to use public transport. A monthly ticket gets you to about 51€. Most expensive is obviously either renting a car or travelling by taxi, the latter of which can be at around 16€ per 8 kilometres in normal traffic.


Pubs, films, cafés, all of it is very important for a nice stay in any city, so it needs to be considered when trying to calculate your monthly budget.

A dinner for two in a local pub will cost you about 40€, but a three-course meal in a more expensive restaurant for two can range all the way up to 70€.

Similarly, a beer in a local pub will be around 5€ and a cocktail in a club around 13€. And if you want to see a film with a friend, that’ll be roughly 25€. It all depends on how much entertainment you need.

Cost of living for adults

Overall, the above-mentioned estimates say the average cost of living is somewhere around 1800€ per month for a single person and around 4400€ for a family of four.

But these are very rough estimates so it’s always best to look at your monthly expenditure at home and see the comparison in Vienna.

What is the cost of living in Vienna for a student?

If you want to study in Vienna, you might want to try and shave off some of the expenses to fit your limited budget. By searching for cheaper accommodation for student in Vienna, cooking at home, and inviting friends to your place rather than spending each night in the pub can seriously reduce the amount of money needed per month.

But even then, there is a range depending on what your personal needs might be. The estimates sit at around 800€ to 1000€ per month for a single person if you’re smart and economical.

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