Susana Gomes is a Portuguese National that was born and brought up in South Africa. She currently lives in the Madeira Islands, and besides being a Host, Susana works full-time as a secretary.
In today’s post of our Interview Series with Flatio’s landlords, Susana will talk about her view on the rental market’s future as the world starts to recover from the pandemia and why she thinks renting her property on Flatio is beneficial.
Flatio: When did you start to be a landlord, and what has brought you to it?
Susana: I started renting in 2008, a friend visited me and gave me the idea, I thought, why not give it a try, and I haven't regretted it.
Flatio: What do you think about the current shift the market has seen from short-term rentals to midterm rentals being very popular due to COVID-19? Do you think it benefits landlords like you?
Susana: It benefits in a way and doesn't in another. Long-term rental is usually at a discounted rate, but this also means we have fewer cleaning costs.
Flatio: What were the main challenges you faced when trying to find the right platform to advertise your accommodation?
Susana: I have tried many, all of which promise the world at your fingertips, however very few pull through on that promise.
Flatio: Why did you choose Flatio?
Susana: I liked the concept, and due to the drastic drop in the usual tourists, we are seeing more NOMADS on the island, and Flatio is great for that.
Flatio: What are the main benefits for landlords renting through Flatio, in your opinion?
Susana: It reaches a huge NOMAD community
Flatio: How was the experience with tenants you received from Flatio so far?
Susana: So far, so good! I am happy.
Flatio: What do you expect from the rental market in the next coming months as the world gets ready to start recovering from the pandemia?
Susana: I'm hoping we will recover quickly; this pandemic really took its toll on the world in everything. I miss having the tourists around, and I miss touring the world as well. I know once it is safe to do so, we will all be bitten by the travel bug and want to travel again so that the rental market will flourish again.
A few months living
Take a look at our current offer list
Flatio’s actively adding more inventory on Madeira. So, if you’re a landlord in Madeira Island and wish to join Flatio to offer your properties for free during 2021, get started now by clicking here.
If you are a nomad interested in renting accommodation on Madeira, we offer a discount for all the nomads during 2021; go to, choose your favorite property and use the code DIGITALNOMADSMADEIRA at checkout to enjoy a 25% discount on our service fee.
We’d love to have your opinion on this and to hear from you regarding how the change in demand has affected you. Please share your story with us here.