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Help Center Help for Landlords How to start advertising on Flatio Can I look for tenants now if the property isn't available until a few months from now?

Can I look for tenants now if the property isn't available until a few months from now?

The article was updated on 17. 7. 2024.

Read this article to understand how searching for tenants in advance works, and to learn about property availability settings.

Of course! Once you create an account in the My Rentals web app, you can set up the property's availability. You have complete control over the calendar settings, so it's fully up to you when you make the property bookable.

Since tenants usually search for their new home a few months in advance, it's common to get a booking request starting only in a couple of months. You can therefore share your listing on Flatio whenever you want, and the sooner you do, the better!

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