Flatio, Prague - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Prague, Czechia: Read reviews from both tenants and landlords who've had rental experiences in this destination!

Clara M. Tenant
Ofrecer más pisos!
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29.09.2022 Prague
Pavla P. Tenant
Dala jsem průměr, protože zatím ještě nevím jestli jsou tyto služby dobré není špatné
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20.12.2022 Prague
Artem F. Tenant
We were very satisfied with Flatio until the move out. Deep cleaning the apartment took us 4 evenings and 1 night. Deep cleaning an apartment requires professional knowledge. Which wipes can be used on which surface? How hard can you rub? Which chemicals are safe to use? This particular flat was recently renovated, so it was given to us in a perfect state. Getting it back to this state (from normal everyday usage) was really tiresome and stressful I'd be happy to use Flatio services in future if the policy changes, e.g. if the price of professional cleaning would be included in the rental price (like in AirBnb). But until that moment I surely wouldn't want to go through deep cleaning once again.
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20.12.2022 Prague
Noemie T. Tenant
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12.12.2022 Prague
Paul V. Tenant
Flatio does not monitor their listings. Some landlords have not reviewed their listing in over a year. Why list phantom rentals? It makes your platform suspect and ripe for scammers and very hard for the user.
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01.10.2021 Prague
Ally S. Tenant
Your customer service sucks honestly I probably won't be using Flatio again. When we had an issue the only response we got was "deal with the landlord" which isn't customer service or helpful at all. If your customer service was better then I would consider using it again. But Faltio made the situation really stressful and wasn't helpful at all.
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26.10.2022 Prague
Zuzana R. Tenant
This survey is too soon. No one is able to provide you real feedback just after they confirm they reservation. There almost no experience there.
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27.09.2022 Prague
Beltrán P. Tenant
High prices :(
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25.09.2022 Prague
Radek P. Tenant
Waiting for money to be settled.
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19.09.2022 Prague
Massiel M. Tenant
Más infromación previa de como funciona la página
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08.09.2022 Prague
Alfonso P. Tenant
Está bien, pero el sobrecoste es excesivo.
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02.09.2022 Prague
Matej S. Tenant
Nelze kontaktovat majitele napřímo a doptat se na informace, popřípadě domluvit prohlídku dané nemovitosti před vytvořením rezervace...
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26.08.2022 Prague
Davide V. Tenant
I already signed a contract on flatio once, and the contract was "signed" quite instantly, but a little too much. I think that I would feel safer if each step required some time to finish (e.g. you have 30 minutes to cancel the signature on the contract...)
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07.05.2022 Prague
Paula C. Tenant
They were nice, but they didn't answer my questions about changing payment methods and could't explain to me some fees that showed up in the system.
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23.07.2022 Prague
Miguel Ángel B. Tenant
I have no reasons to be unsatisfied or satisfied yet
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19.08.2022 Prague
jiri p. Tenant
je to můj první pokus o rezervaci, tak ještě nevím
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17.08.2022 Prague
Gokhan K. Tenant
not providing a financial invoice is bad.
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09.08.2022 Prague
Radek P. Tenant
Neříkám, že nejsem spokojený, spíše je to neutrální hodnocení.
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10.08.2022 Prague
Hannah H. Tenant
My first reservation has been canceled spontaniously by the landlord. Now one month before my stay I need to find a new stay fast. (will be more expensive and not in sich a great area)
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16.12.2021 Prague
Oleg Z. Tenant
Poplatek (provize) za používání stránek Flatio je příliš vysoký.
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11.07.2022 Prague
Andrii C. Tenant
I did not see a Confirm reservation Button as it has the same color tone as a background
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02.05.2022 Prague
Katarina O. Tenant
iba teraz som si vyvtorila ucet, zatial neviem zhodnotit
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19.03.2022 Prague
Jack M. Tenant
špatný model, který neumožňuje prohlídku bytu, takže všechen risk nese platící zákazník, a to ještě platící zákazník musí vyplňovat informace o sobě zatímco pronajímatel o sobe nic nevyplnl, např. kde pracuje a pro koho, na jaké pozici, jaké má pronajímatel důvody to pronajímat, jestli se tam vůbec dá bydlet nebo je to někde na hlavní, zarušené tramvajemi a velkým provozem, a ani nevyplnil proč to pronajímá zrovna přes flatio a ne přes standardní inzerát. Je to velmi rizikové pro kupujícího a není tam vůbec možnost rizikům předejít, např. možnost přijít se podívat na ten byt než se to závazně objedná. Také tam není možnost ani zavolat a zeptat se na imise (hluk, prach, pyly, atp.), takže je to celé postavené na hlavu. Začínám i pochybovat, že vůbec ubytování přes flatio dopadne. Podezírám už dopředu podvodníky pronajímatele, dávající tam jen byty kde se nedá bydlet kvůli imisím hluku, prachu, nebo těkavých látek a je to kupování zajíce v pytli.
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16.06.2022 Prague
Jiří H. Tenant
Malá nabídka bytů.
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10.01.2022 Prague