Flatio - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Mikita L. Tenant
We had a problem with our booking. The room was smaller than we booked and had no kitchen and space to work. Once I created the request I was offered to wait for the next working day for a reply from support. Luckily, we managed to deal with the landlord without any help.
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10.01.2022 Câmara de Lobos
Serhii S. Tenant
Pointless waste of money on comission. When we had problems with the landlady I had to spend lots of money on calling UK numbers and was not even offered immediate housing alternative to move to. It is much better to rent off Facebook.
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24.12.2021 Budapest
Elzbieta G. Tenant
What was good: clear customer journey through website. Contract generation, method of quick payments, messaging to landlord. What was not good: my payments has been lost - and Flatio could not provide confirmation to the Landlord. The helpdesk team for some time was repeating that payments are not made - despite provided bank confirmations. Flatio service charge is high, however they did not provide any support in my case when the Landlady was requesting extra payments that were not agreed in the contract. Flatio team restrained from any mediation or support leaving everything to the parties.
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20.12.2021 Budapest
Claire B. Tenant
Ich habe eine Wohnung gebucht und wurde von der Vermieterin vollkommen übers Ohr gehauen. Bis ich irgendwann eine sinnvolle Antwort von Flatio bekommen habe sind Wochen vergangen.
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08.12.2021 Budapest
Carla C. Landlord
Based on this experience, I cant recommend Flatio. I was forced to host a guest that I didnt want at my apartment because I felt unsafe having him there.
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10.11.2021 Lisbon
ana f. Landlord
expensive only rules for tennants i lose money contract doesnt make any sense and its harmful for tenants
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10.11.2021 Lisbon
María A. Landlord
I really would appreciate to receive our invoices
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03.11.2021 Lisbon
Farnaz P. Tenant
I expected a better service but I won't get any house from this site and I don't recommend to anyone
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28.10.2021 Budapest
Szia E. Landlord
Your commission is extremely high, higher than letting-agents who have to do a lot of ground work to let a flat. Moreover, it is absolutely ridiculous that the tenant's commission is paid up front and is non-refundable in case the tenant leaves the flat. You are covering your end 100% and leave all risk for the tenant and landlord. Hence, you are another online company trying to control the market and set the rules as per they suit them fit. I found a competitor site much fairer, even though you are more organised and have a way superior front end than them. So, I would very much rather recommend them than Flatio to other landlords.
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22.10.2021 Budapest
May M. Tenant
Honest is very important
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17.10.2021 Budapest
Eva D. Landlord
No, po téhle zkušenosti spíš ne.
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06.10.2021 Brno
Gala S. Tenant
I wouldn't recommend flatio, no. You should really vet and inspect the properties you list: your users aren't your guinea pigs.
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20.09.2021 Lisbon
Lida S. Tenant
Dobrý den, mám zájem o bližší informace a případně i prohlídku bytu. V termínu...
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17.09.2021 Prague
Eugenio P. Landlord
Na základě poslední neštáštné zkušenosti se dvou posledným najemníkům přes Flatio (mladé studenty, kteří nás zdevastovali byt), už bychom nikomu nedoporučili něco takového. Je třeba si dávat velký pozor, neexistuje žádna selekce najemníků, nemusí složit žádné kauce, nemáte fakticky žádnou jistotu, že způsobené škody vám někdo uhradí! :(((
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14.09.2021 Prague
Feeling I. Landlord
Os anfitriões têm que ter liberdade de pedir uma caução aos hóspedes, independentemente do número de dias das estadias uma vez que, não pagando qualquer caução, os hóspedes sentem que podem fazer tudo, estragar equipamentos, deixar de pagar rendas, etc sem qualquer consequência efetiva.
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07.09.2021 Porto
Fraser C. Tenant
Never using again. Avoid.
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07.09.2021 Porto
Kristina H. Tenant
Nemají česky mluvicích operátorů, a nějaký Portugalec obtěžoval mě anglický, zda musím vystěhovat, protože nepochopil, že samou garsonku jsem rezervovala znovu
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03.09.2021 Prague
Gala S. Tenant
We already provided our feedback on flatio services directly to the customer service.
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02.09.2021 Porto
Leo W. Tenant
Owner just dont respond to skip the refusal
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25.08.2021 Warsaw
tomas f. Landlord
s malou, nefunguje podpora a aplikace neni vychytana
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20.08.2021 Prague
Aneta B. Tenant
Velmi vysoký poplatek za zprostředkování pronájmu
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12.08.2021 Prague
Catarina H. Landlord
Serviço muito mau a nivel de resolução de questões de contabilidade.
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25.07.2021 Albufeira
Adannaya B. Tenant
I will no longer use flatio services since the fraud that occurred by one of the landlords was enabled by flatio.
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14.07.2021 Prague
Maria Gabriela C. Tenant
Não aconselho este alojamento, é muito menos a FLATIO, portanto não vale a pena responder.
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27.06.2021 Lisbon