Flatio - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Adam D. Tenant
500kc is too expensive for a charge.
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12.08.2017 Prague
Jana P. Tenant
Nefungují Vám ".cz" webovky klasicky na pc, jen na mobilu. Na pc funguje jen ".com" adresa. Dost problém
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04.07.2017 Brno
Tomáš M. Tenant
Zatím nemáme žádné zkušenosti, jen el. potvrzeno, že něco proběhne a zaplacen rezervační poplatek. Jestli nějaký byt budeme mít pronajatý nevíme. Takže uvidíme....
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01.05.2017 Brno
Eduard Matei V. Tenant
Prices higher than normal rent
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25.08.2016 Prague
Eduard E. Tenant
Procedures and timings for signing contracts and do payments are not clear at the reservation time. Neither are fees and nowhere it is mentioned that a month is ALWAYS 30 days, and not the actual month duration.
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11.07.2017 Prague
Yuri M. Tenant
The process is a bit tedious and I feel insecure about my booking. It would be nice to be able to get in touch with the host before making the reservation. In our case, we are urgently looking for a place to stay. It would be nice to have a better and more interactive communication with the user and property owner.
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04.07.2017 Prague
Deepak S. Tenant
Please give some secondary plan to customer, if they did like the flat after stay.
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01.06.2017 Prague
Kendyll W. Tenant
Yes, don't list a property if it is not available. We put in the deposit for several places that said they were available then later got an email saying they weren't available 24 hours later. If they aren't available they should not be on the website
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01.06.2017 Prague
Mykyta S. Tenant
Inconvenient web interface. Impossible to find host's mobile phone in the booking details (it was shown only once after booking completion).
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29.05.2017 Brno
Freya P. Tenant
Sometimes the fields are very slow. Browser support is really poor. I'm on a borrowed computer to make it work.
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26.05.2017 Brno
Monika C. Tenant
Zatím jsem spokojená, ale ještě nebydlím. AŽ odevzdám byt nazpátek, může to být třeba 10 ! :)
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18.11.2016 Prague
Jana B. Tenant
zatím žádná zkušenost
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18.05.2017 Prague
Mykyta S. Tenant
The site is buggy. It says I don't filled the personal data, however I did. Also, when I entered "about myself" string, it marked "personal data" field as filled. Also, when I was uploading photo I also started entering profile data. When photo is uploaded the page reloaded and all my entered data disappeared. (why not use ajax for it?) When I opened photo in the booking confirmation it opened as the new page so I wasn't able to close it by ESC or go to next photo. I was confused and hopefully understood that I can use browser BACK. Not a user friendly behaviour :) However, I excited to find an accomodation or your site so thank you :) Just fix bugs.
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07.05.2017 Brno
Dennison B. Tenant
Lets see if the booking works. I don't know if the service works yet.
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06.05.2017 Prague
M. Luisa G. Tenant
Al aplicar fliltros, no se hacen hacen bien. Por ejemplo en nuestro caso, somos dos adultos y un niño. AL poner 3 personas, desaparecían pisos que tenían dos habitaciones y 2 camas, y nos salían pisos en los que no había opción de dormir los 3 en cama....
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22.04.2017 Brno
Zayed L. Tenant
i see that apartment are expensive and there are no too much flats
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01.09.2016 Prague
Tine K. Tenant
i don't know , how about , not ask people to rate your service if the service has not yet been fully provided :) i just did a first booking with you , nothing is confirmed yet , how can i rate you already ?
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11.04.2017 Berlin
Jaroslav Š. Tenant
zlepšit rychlost komunikace
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10.04.2017 Prague
Boris B. Tenant
In diesem Moment weiß noch nicht ob alles korrekt ist oder es sich um ein Internet Betrug handelt.
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05.04.2017 Vienna
Levente G. Tenant
ich habe gerade eben versucht eine Wohnung zu reservieren. Ich habe noch überhaupt keine Mainung vom Flatio. Deswegen 5 - neutral
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26.02.2017 Vienna
Tomas S. Tenant
odmítání nabídek bezdůvodně, na prodilech pak mají majitelé i přes to 100% úspěšnost akceptace. něco tu nesedí...
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13.02.2017 Prague
Marc B. Tenant
Languages :)
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01.10.2016 Prague