What is the weather like in Budapest, Hungary
as a Guest as a Host as F4B

Weather in Budapest, Hungary month by month - temperature and precipitation

Many who come from central and western Europe might find the weather in Budapest very familiar but if you’re traveling from farther than that it’s good to have some info on how the weather differs. That way, if you’re planning a trip, you will know when to travel to Budapest based on its weather.

Budapest average yearly temperature

The average yearly temperatures move somewhere between 5,3 °C and 15,6 °C (41,5 °F and 60 °F). This, however, changes dramatically depending on the season and sometimes even the month within that season. On average, the warm months go as high 28 °C and the cold months as low as -4 °C.

Budapest climate

Budapest has an oceanic climate with snowfall during winters and high temperatures during its summers (especially in the last few years). Spring usually brings a rapid rise in temperatures and is the least predictable of the seasons. Autumn, on the other hand, is timid and has long periods of sunshine with only occasional showers. It should be noted that winters are on the whole hard to predict as well because there are various different influences on Hungarian weather. You can experience heavy blizzards or even a sudden drop in temperature well below the average.

Weather statistics for Budapest (Hungary)

The hottest month in Budapest is July with record temperatures going all the way up to 40,7 °C (103,1 °F). The coldest month is January with record temperatures going to -25,6 °C (-14,1 °F). But these will seldom be encountered. Otherwise, the summers are compared even to some Mediterranean countries with occasional heavy showers.

Budapest weather January

The coldest month, January has temperatures averaging between -4 °C and 3 °C (26 °F and 37 °F). The wind should be moderate though the snowfall might be rather heavy.

Budapest weather February

February continues with practically the same temperatures as the previous month with averages between -3 °C and 5 °C (27 °F and 41 °F). Both the wind and snowfall continue the Winter trend.

Budapest weather March

March marks the steady rise in temperatures with averages between 0 °C and 10 °C (33 °F and 51 °F). The winds might get stronger, but snowfall will be definitely an oddity by now.

Budapest weather April

April brings with it the beginning of Spring and a rapid rise in temperatures with averages between 5 °C and 17 °C (41 °F and 62 °F). The snowfall is surpassed by frequent showers together with bounds of sunny weather.

Budapest weather May

May brings average temperatures between 10 °C and 22 °C (50 °F and 71 °F). With this shift in temperatures come also heavy showers and unpredictable weather.

Budapest weather June

June marks the first month of Summer and with it come average temperatures between 13 °C and 25 °C (56 °F and 77 °F). Heavy showers continue throughout, making May and June the wettest months of the year.

Budapest weather July

July, the hottest month, has average temperatures from 15 °C to 28 °C (59 °F to 82 °F) though these can go much higher. The Mediterranean comparison is applicable here as well as for August.

Budapest weather August

August has average temperatures very similar to July between 15 °C and 27 °C (59 °F and 81 °F). Heavy showers are less likely to take place.

Budapest weather September

September marks the beginning of Autumn with temperatures averaging from 10 °C to 22 °C (51 °F to 71 °F). There are only occasional showers but on the whole, the nice weather still holds.

Budapest weather October

October continues the descend of temperatures and averages between 5 °C and 16 °C (42 °F and 60 °F).

Budapest weather November

November brings temperatures averaging between 1 °C and 9 °C (34 °F and 48 °F) with abundant rain and even occasional snowfall. The drop in temperature can often be by 10 °C in a single week.

Budapest weather December

December marks the beginning of Winter and has average temperatures between -3 °C and 3 °C (27 °F and 37 °F), bringing the year right back to Winter conditions found in January.

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