Cost of living in Hungary: living expenses - Flatio
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Typical prices of goods in Hungary

It can be hard to estimate how much money one needs for a longer stay in Hungary. We tried to calculate the costs of living in Budapest, but here we want to focus specifically on the prices of goods, be it fashion, food, alcohol and much more so that you can see the differences between your country and Hungary for yourself.

Hungarian restaurants

The prices are as follows: for a meal in an inexpensive restaurant you’ll need about 6 €, but if you go to a place like McDonald’s, it might be even lower, at about 4,5 €.

On the other end of that is a three-course meal for two in a mid-range restaurant which would be about 30 €. But like anywhere else, the better the restaurant the higher the price.


One pack of Marlboro cigarettes currently stands at about 4,3 €, but the overall average is at about 3,8 €, so slightly cheaper.

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Alcohol in Hungary

Alcohol prices don’t vary only based on their quality but also on where you buy them. For example, a cocktail in a club or a bar will be about 4,8 €.

A bottle of wine for home will cost you somewhere between 4 € and 11 € since the quality of wine tends to vary a lot but glass of wine down the pub is roughly around 2 €.

In comparison with most Western European countries, this is very affordable, so you don’t have to be afraid that a night out will put a hole through your wallet.

Hungary prices of beer

cost of living in Budapest, Hungary

A half a liter of a domestic beer can be somewhere between 0,8 €, if bought off of a supermarket shelf, and 1,8 € if you buy it in a pub. Imported beers will be a bit more expensive at about 0,2 € on average, but they usually come in smaller quantities (about 0,3 liters).



Food prices in Budapest, Hungary

There is a lot of variety of foods one could average here so instead, here’s a handy table showing the most common groceries and their average prices:

Milk (1 liter) 0.67 €
Rice (white), (1kg) 0.9 € 
Eggs (regular) (12)  1.48 €
Apples (1kg) 0.94 €
Potato (1kg) 0.70 €
Water (1.5-liter bottle) 0.32 €
2 liters of Coca-Cola 1.20 €
 A loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g) 0.64 €


The fashion industry is doing very well in Hungary so it’s good to know what one should expect when it comes to prices. A pair of jeans (such as Levis 501 or similar) is roughly about 58 € whilst a summer dress in places such as H&M and Zara is somewhere at about 28 €.

Shoes are also rather pricy, where for a pair of shoes such as Nike or Adidas one pays about 76 € and for a slick pair of leather business shoes one pays a little bit over 80 €.

All this can, of course, be found much cheaper online and at smaller retailors but overall, fashion is not cheap in Hungary.

Highway prices

The average highway prices depend largely on the amount of time you want to use the highway for and with what vehicle. Below is a handy table showing the difference:

Validity/category Motorcycles and passenger cars Cars vans and vehicles up to 3,5t with seating capacity over 7 persons
weekly 10 € 21 €
monthly 14 € 29 € 
annually 130 € 130 €


The annual ticket, as is usual, is probably the best deal out of all of them.

KFC prices Hungary

Budapest, Hungary, expenses

The prices are as follows:

  • twister is about 2,9 €
  • zinger is roughly 2,7 €
  • hot wings are cheaper still costing about 2,2 €
  • strips are priced at about 1,8 €

Finally, the classic is reasonably priced too, at about 2,1€. As one would expect from fast-food restaurants, it’s dirt cheap.

Price of Netflix in Hungary

Netflix offers three tiers of subscription in Hungary.

Basic, which costs 8 € per month, and gives you a possibility of streaming on one device without and HD option.

The standard which is about 10 € per month and grants you streaming on two devices at the same time together with an HD option.

And Premium which will set you back around 12 € per month and allows you simultaneous watching on four devices in Ultra HD quality.

Sadly, none of the shows have Hungarian subtitles or voice-over.

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