Police System in Lagos and emergency numbers
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Police System in Lagos and emergency numbers

One of the main concerns of travellers worldwide when planning a few months trip somewhere is safety. You can learn as much as possible about the location you are going to travel to.

Still, it’s also essential to understand the local police system and how to proceed in the event of an emergency. To help you plan your visit to Lagos and add peace of mind to your stay, we have added some helpful information below.


Police force The Guarda Nacional Republicana, or GNR, is a military division and is under the supervision of the army courts led by the minister of defence. The PSP stands for Polícia de Segurança Pública, which is the standard police system you’d find in most cities.

Being a regular police force, the PSP is under the supervision of traditional courts, lead by the Minister of Internal Affairs. Both forces are in charge of the everyday policing in the streets. They also oversee investigations and do the standard police work.

The only difference is their jurisdictions. The PSP takes care of cities like Lisbon, Porto, and some big cities in the Algarve area. The GNR is in charge of the rest of the country. Knowing the differences between them can come in handy if you ever need to contact the police when staying in Portugal.

We are pretty confident this will not be the case as the country is known for being one of the safest destinations in Europe, but still, it’s good to know.

Addresses and emergency contacts in Lagos

The GNR station is Lagos is located on Largo Convento Senhora da Glória 8600-660 and the contact number is +351 282 770 010.

As in most of the cities in Portugal, in case of any emergency, the number you should contact to get in touch with the police immediately is 112. This number should be reached for any emergency.

Lost and found items

The police have an online archive system to keep lost items found by them or items handled by civilians. You can check the online archive here.
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