A guide to jobs and average salary in Lisbon - Flatio
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A guide to jobs and average salary in Lisbon (english-speaking jobs for expats and more)

1. june 2024 · 6 minute

Navigating the job market in Lisbon, especially for English-speaking expats or those seeking part-time opportunities, can be a daunting task. However, with the right resources and understanding of the city's employment landscape, finding suitable employment and understanding average salary ranges becomes more manageable

In this guide, we'll explore English-speaking job opportunities, part-time jobs tailored for expats, and other essential aspects of working in Lisbon. Whether you're a newcomer to the city or a student looking to balance work with studies, this guide aims to provide valuable insights into job prospects and earning potential in Lisbon.

What is a good salary in Lisbon?

It is difficult to say what a good salary is in Lisbon, as it depends greatly on the lifestyle of the individual. However, one way to determine a good salary is to look at the average cost of living in Lisbon.

According to Numbeo data, here is an overview of the cost of living in Lisbon per month for 2024:

  • For a family of four, the estimated monthly expenses amount to approximately €2,547.7, excluding rent.
  • For a single person, the estimated monthly expenses come to around €725.3, excluding rent.

Accommodation tip: Many potential tenants have found Flatio as a good alternative to Airbnbs thanks to its affordable offers. Take a look at our accommodations in Lisbon to see for yourself.

Average salary Lisbon

What is the average salary in Lisbon?

Based on data from Horizons, the average salary in Portugal is around €1,269 per month. In Lisbon, employees typically earn around €3,755 per month, which is significantly more than what most people earn in other parts of Portugal.

The most common salary in Lisbon is around €1,416 per month.

Minimum wage in Lisbon

The current minimum wage in Portugal is €820 per month. The minimum salary in Lisbon is also set on the basis of the national minimum income.

Do wages vary across regions in Portugal?

The average income in Lisbon and other big cities like Porto is higher, while less developed and remote areas usually offer lower wages.

How does Portugal's average salary compare to neighboring countries?

Portugal's average salary is the lowest in Western Europe, similar to those in Eastern and Central Europe. But because of the lower cost of living, the relatively low salaries are balanced out.

The most popular occupations in Lisbon, according to Payscale, are software engineer, software developer, and senior software engineer which pay between €15k and €66k per year.

Most popular occupations in Lisbon, best jobs

The most popular employers in Lisbon are Siemens, Accenture Technology Solutions, and Teleperformance, as Payscale reports.

Average salary across jobs in Lisbon

The following table, from Payscale, gives you an overview of the salary ranges in Lisbon for different professions.

Job Title Range Average
Software Engineer €16k - €61k €29,884
Software Developer €14k - €49k €23,619
Senior Software Engineer €27k - €69k €50,652
Data Analyst €15k - €49k €24,524
Project Manager, (Unspecified Type / General) €19k - €55k €34,520
Data Engineer €17k - €50k €28,446
Data Scientist €15k - €55k €26,671

Want to know more about other Portuguese cities?

You can discover travel guides and details about destinations across Portugal, beyond Lisbon, on our website.

Visas to work in Lisbon

Want to find a job in Lisbon? Would you like to work as a digital nomad in Lisbon? Or are you planning to set up your own business or register as an independent worker in the Portuguese tax system?

Each career path may require a different type of visa in Portugal depending on your nationality, and we have put together a guide where you can find all Portugal visas in one place. Check it out on our blog for digial nomads to familiarize yourself with the different visa options, such as:

  • Work visa
  • Professional training, internship, or volunteering visa
  • Digital nomad visa (residence D8)
  • Entrepreneur visa (D2)

Find perfect apartments for rent in Lisbon

Portugal residence permit

Until the end of October 2023, Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF), the Portuguese immigration and border service agency, was responsible for documenting foreigners, residence permits and extending visas.

However, SEF is no longer in operation and has been replaced by a new entity - the Agency for Integration, Migrations, and Asylum (AIMA).

In a guide on our blog, we’ve explained How to apply for a Portugal residence permit after SEF. So make sure to check it out. 

How to find jobs in Lisbon: jobs platforms

Looking for a job vacancy in Lisbon? The good news is that there are various legitimate job platforms available, where you can find remote jobs in Lisbon, in-person jobs in Lisbon, and hybrid jobs in Lisbon.

These are some platforms that you can consider:

  • LinkedIn
  • Indeed
  • Glassdoor
  • Sapo Emprego
  • Net-Empregos
  • Carga de Trabalhos
  • Alerta Emprego
  • EmpregoXL
  • Careerjet Portugal

On these platforms, you’ll find positions such as:

  • Jobs in Lisbon airport
  • IT jobs
  • Nanny jobs
  • Photography jobs
  • Teaching jobs
  • Tech jobs
  • Warehouse jobs
  • Fashion jobs

where to find jobs in lisbon, jjob portals, the best jobs in lisbon, portugal

Jobs for expats in Lisbon

Popular jobs in lisbon for foreigners generally include:

  • Customer support representative: Many international companies have customer service centers in Lisbon, making customer support roles readily available for foreigners who are proficient in languages such as English, Spanish, or French.
  • English teacher: There is a demand for English language teachers in language schools, private institutions, and tutoring centers, catering to both adults and children.
  • Tech and IT professionals: Lisbon has a growing tech scene, with startups and tech companies seeking software developers, IT specialists, and engineers. Fluency in English and technical skills are often required for these positions.
  • Tourism and hospitality: With Lisbon being a popular tourist destination, there are Lisbon jobs for expats in hotels, restaurants, tour agencies, and other hospitality-related businesses.
  • Sales and marketing: International companies often seek multilingual sales representatives and marketing professionals to expand their reach in Lisbon and beyond.
  • Healthcare: Foreigners with qualifications and experience in healthcare professions such as nursing, physiotherapy, or dentistry may find job opportunities in hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities in Lisbon.
  • Finance and business services: Lisbon is home to many multinational companies and financial institutions, offering job opportunities in areas such as finance, accounting, consulting, and business administration.
  • Digital nomad and remote work: With the rise of remote work opportunities, the Lisbon market has become a popular destination for digital nomads and freelancers, especially in creative fields like design, writing, and content creation.

Lisbon jobs for English speakers

Lisbon jobs for English speakers

There are many jobs for English speakers in Lisbon. Many international companies have established offices in Lisbon, creating a demand for English-speaking professionals in fields such as customer service, tech, tourism, and education.

Fluency in English is often a key requirement for these roles, making Lisbon an attractive destination for English-speaking job seekers.

Jobs for Americans in Lisbon

American nationals seeking job opportunities in Lisbon can find positions in sectors such as technology, finance, tourism, and education.

Many multinational companies in Lisbon have English as their primary language of communication, making it easier for Americans to integrate into the workforce.

Additionally, American cultural and linguistic familiarity can be advantageous in customer-facing roles within the tourism and hospitality industry.

Jobs in Lisbon for Indian nationals

Indian nationals looking for job opportunities in Lisbon can explore roles in sectors such as information technology, engineering, healthcare, finance, and delivery services. Lisbon's growing tech scene offers opportunities for Indian IT professionals, while engineering and finance sectors also seek skilled professionals.

Fluency in English, along with relevant qualifications and experience, can enhance job prospects for Indian nationals in Lisbon.

Additionally, delivery services like Uber Eats, Glovo, and others provide flexible employment options for those seeking part-time or freelance work. It’s among popular part-time jobs in Lisbon for English speakers.

Find perfect apartments for rent in Portugal

Jobs in Lisbon for Italian speakers

Italian speakers can find job opportunities in Lisbon in various sectors, including tourism, hospitality, customer service, and business services. Many Italian companies have a presence in Lisbon, providing opportunities for Italian speakers in roles such as sales, marketing, and customer support.

Additionally, proficiency in English and Italian can be advantageous in roles that require communication with international clients or customers.

Part time jobs in Lisbon

Finding part-time jobs in Lisbon can be a rewarding way to supplement income, gain work experience, and support one's studies or lifestyle.

Part time jobs in Lisbon for English speakers

For English speakers seeking part-time employment in Lisbon, opportunities abound in sectors such as tourism, hospitality, customer service, and language tutoring. Many restaurants, cafes, and hotels require English-speaking staff to cater to the city's international visitors.

Additionally, customer support roles in call centers or online platforms often offer flexible part-time schedules for English speakers.

Part time jobs in Lisbon for students

Students in Lisbon can find part-time employment opportunities to support their studies and daily expenses. Common part-time jobs for students include working in cafes, restaurants, retail stores, or as language tutors.

Many businesses in Lisbon offer flexible working hours to accommodate students' schedules.

Additionally, students can explore opportunities in event staffing, childcare, or freelance work in fields such as graphic design, writing, or social media management.

Moreover, universities themselves typically offer part-time work opportunities, further enriching students' employment prospects.

Would you like to find out more about Portugal?

On our website, you can explore a range of subjects concerning Portugal, including:

Flatio: Rent accommodation in Lisbon

Looking for a place to stay in Lisbon or other Portuguese cities? Check out Flatio!

We specialize in monthly stays and offer a variety of rooms, flats, and houses. Short-term rentals are also available for as little as 5 days. No deposit is required for stays under 180 days, unless local laws require otherwise.

Our lease agreements cover utilities and Wi-Fi, which can be handy for visa applications and proof of address. We ensure secure payments, including Bitcoin, and provide daily customer service, including a 24/7 emergency line.

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