Commuting in Vienna, Austria
as a Guest as a Host as F4B

Commuting in Vienna to work or school

Vienna has a complex web of the metro, tram lines, and busses that connect the whole city together from its periphery all the way to its center. All told, there are five metro lines, 29 tram lines, and 127 bus lines, 24 of which are night busses. Vienna also has many options and discounts on their tickets, which means they are not just dependable but affordable as well.

Vienna public transport – tickets

There are five general types of tickets for Viennese public transportation. First is the Single Ticket. This is meant for single a ride between two destinations. Each such ticket is valid even if you change between two types of public transport, for example, from a tram to a bus and then to an underground – it’s all a single trip.

Then there are Short-term Passes, which are best for trips to Vienna for up to eight days. There are 24, 48, and 72 hour passes as well as an eight-day pass, all of which give you free access to all types of public transport within the city of Vienna for that time duration (this includes the inter-city train as well). Next are Weekly and Monthly Passes, which work the same way as the Short-term passes.

Lastly, there are Youth and Semester Passes and Annual Passes which need to be bought either online or in the ticket office. The former is meant for a school semester or a year and is generally cheaper than the annual pass. The latter is non-transferable and the best choice for those who want to make Vienna their permanent home.

Public transport Vienna price

Single Ticket
Short-term Ticket (24/48/72/8-day)
€8 / €14.10 / €17.10 / 40.80
Weekly Pass
Monthly Pass
Semester Pass
Annual Pass

Bus and Metro prices Vienna

Both busses and metro prices use the same tickets as trams and the rest of the public transport. Their prices depend on whether you buy the Single or Short-Term ticket or if you choose the Weekly, Monthly, or Annual Pass instead. See our table above for more details.

Train prices Vienna

Trains across Vienna are also part of the VOR fare (the unified fare system). However, the private Westbahn trains and the City Airport trains are not included. As for trains that go out of Vienna to either the rest of Austria or Europe, their prices change according to where you want to go. For example, a trip on a high-speed train from Vienna to Paris costs somewhere between €40 and €70 depending on which class you choose.

Taxi prices Vienna

The taxi prices are varied, between €3.60 and €7 for the initial charge and then about €1 to €2.50 for each kilometer traveled. Some prices change depending on the time of day and the day of the week with a workday at daylight being cheaper and night-time weekend being the most expensive.

Public transport in Vienna at night

There is a well-connected night-time public transport in Vienna. On nights before a workday, there are only busses going from 12:30 a.m. to 5 a.m. in roughly 30-minute cycles. Before a non-workday (which includes national holidays), the underground is operational as well in 15-minute intervals.

Public transport Vienna App

The number one app for Vienna’s public transport, as well as pedestrians, bicycles, or car-sharing, is WienMobil. Through this app, you can plan your route, book a car for carsharing, and pay for a ticket or the booking. It also shows you footpaths and bicycle paths and you even have the option of choosing which modes of transport you want to use for your trip.

Taxi Vienna App

Through the WienMobil app, you can also call a cab, but there are tons of other companies, often providing their own apps with specific services in mind. There’s also Uber and other companies which don’t fall strictly under the taxi umbrella but provide similar enough services.

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