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Top Female Digital Nomad Blogs Every Woman Should Check Out

7. october 2022 · 2 minute

Traveling the world alone sounds great on paper, but there are tons of places on Earth that can be a little bit more unsafe for women than men. What’s more, there are many digital nomads that write about their experiences, but most of them are either men or couples. Very few blogs even consider what it is like to be a location-independent woman. So here are some of the best ones that do.


Milou is not only a fun blogger, a keen documenter of the female nomad experience, and a great help to all women digital nomads. She also stands behind the largest Facebook group called Female Digital Nomads which connects women all around the world and lets them share their experiences with one another.

Next to the great amount of information Milou puts on her blog, she also organizes Mastermind Retreats where you can learn more about the location-independent lifestyle as well as meet other nomadic women. Explorista is a great blog that you shouldn’t miss.

Women Digital Nomads

This blog focuses on the day-to-day digital nomad experience from a female perspective. Not only do you get guides to various different cities but you also get articles on safety. Specifically, you can read about the safest bars to visit, the best restaurants, and even the best dating apps.

The world can be a difficult place when you’re a woman, so it’s great that there is now a ton of information out there to help you stay happy and secure. And Women Digital Nomads is a good place to start.

Journalist on the run

If you’re looking for a more personal blog, then Janet’s Journalist on the Run is perfect. After quitting her journalist job in Ireland, she decided to travel the world and document the highs and lows of her digital nomad journey.

You will learn a lot of information and get inspired by Janet’s likes and dislikes, and there are a lot of specific pieces of information for female digital nomads that you simply won’t find in more general blogs. Plus, the blog is fun to read, so it’s a good time all around.

Wanderful World

Freelancing and running a business is hard enough when you stay home. But what if you want to do that and be a digital nomad? Well, Lizzie from Wanderful World will be able to help you.

Her blog focuses on business advice, how to attract clients, how to deal with logistics when you run a business, and tons more. You might not learn much about the places that she visited, but you will learn a lot about how to afford your new digital nomad life and how to make your business grow.

Wee Gipsy Girl

This blog stands as a great example that digital nomads don’t have to be rich to enjoy their lifestyle. As a teacher, Nicole moved from Scotland to South Korea while writing about her experiences. But she didn’t have a lot of the opportunities other nomads did.

Her outlook is much more budget-conscious than most. She sees the side of digital nomadism that is often overlooked and though she has now settled, her blog is still full of great advice. It is blogs like the Wee Gipsy Girl that show location independence can be done in a wide variety of ways. So which one will be yours?

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